Schedule a wine education class at your home or another location for you and your friends and family or for a group, club, or association.
We offer many different types of educational opportunities throughout the Utah, including Utah's only provider of Wine Scholar Guild's French, Italian, and Spanish Wine scholar certification Programs.
Come to any of our classes taught through University of Utah Lifelong Learning and Osher programs and Salt Lake Community college.
Upcoming Classes
Click the link of class title below that will directly link you to registration Page.
JAN 14 PWCD: Wines of Southern Italy
FEB. 4 PWCD: Wines of Central Italy
MARCH 4 PWCD: Wines of Alsace, Bourgogne, & Rhone
APRIL 8 PWCD: Wines of Italy- Valle D'Aoste
MAY 6 PWCD: Spain- Valencia & Aragon
JAN 14 PWCD: Wines of Southern Italy
FEB. 4 PWCD: Wines of Central Italy
MARCH 4 PWCD: Wines of Alsace, Bourgogne, & Rhone
APRIL 8 PWCD: Wines of Italy- Valle D'Aoste
MAY 6 PWCD: Spain- Valencia & Aragon